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Other Frequently Asked Questions
How much do I need to take?
½ teaspoon at a time is what we do. Maybe limit yourself to one tin (1 ounce) per day. Good luck ;)
How many servings are in each tin?
There are about 20 servings per 1 oz tin.
Where is Chikka Chikka made?
Chikka Chikka is made in the Hudson Valley in New York State. We produce and package our tins in cooperation with a non-profit in Poughkeepsie, NY that provides employment opportunities to veterans and people with disabilities.
Is Chikka Chikka organic?
Not all ingredients, but the maple syrup, beet powder, cinnamon, mint, and spirulina are organic. We are currently looking for organic fennel and split coriander. More importantly, we have had everything tested by a third party lab (EMSL), and they show no traces of pesticides or heavy metals.
What kind of facility is it made in? Is it made where there are nuts, gluten?
The facility is a gluten-free and nut-free facility. They do mostly packaging and shipping for food brands and they roast coffee.
Where do your ingredients come from?
The maple syrup is local from New York. The coriander, fennel, and cardamom, are from India. The cinnamon is from Sri Lanka. The mint is from Oregon.
Why don't you have those colorful balls that I've seen in other mixes? I love those.
We like bright colors also! But we like them better on the packaging and not in our bodies. Those colorful balls are made from sugar and artificial colors and flavors. We wanted to make something healthier.
How is Chikka Chikka made?
We slowly roast the fennel with maple syrup in small batches and then mix the rest of the ingredients.
Why did you start your business?
Sabeen has a fennel seed habit that is a bit out of control. She would roast her own seeds and sweeten and mix them because she couldn’t find a product out there that wasn’t filled with artificial junk. When we brought some on a hiking trip with our friends Joel and Molly they loved it saying ‘we would totally buy this’, and 'where can we get some?.' That is all we needed to hear to decide to start this venture. We love building a small business because it allows us to interact with so many other creative and interesting folks doing what they love. It also allows us the freedom to make up things as we go along.
When did you start your company?
In early 2024
Can I take too much?
Like with most foods, especially those with medicinal properties, you don't want to overdo it. There is no clear guidance, but from what we have read, you don't want to eat more than 2 ounces of Chikka Chikka per day.
Why is Chikka Chikka more expensive than other Indian fennel seed mixes?
Most Indian fennel seed mixes are primarily made from refined sugar and wax and other junk. Chikka Chikka is made from high quality fennel seeds blended with other high-quality, organic ingredients. Instead of refined sugar, we use organic maple syrup as a sweetener.
How does Chikka Chikka work as a digestive?
Fennel is an alkaline food and raises the pH in your mouth and the upper part of the digestive system to create a healing microbiome. Fennel seeds also have anti-inflammatory properties and thus address intestinal inflammation which is tied to a lot of health issues.